GRIMME Ireland Equipment Ltd.

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Soil cultivation - Row dependent soil cultivation | GF 400

4-row rotary hiller resp. full width tiller for cultivation of vegetable and potatoes

The rotary tiller type GF 400 is suitable as a full width tiller for an optimum seedbed preparation for the cultivation of various vegetables and potatoes. An ideal prepared seedbed is the prerequisite for optimum development of the seed resp. planting tubers. Through intensive soil cultivation, root crop ground preparation is perfectly achieved so that undisturbed growth of the crop can be guaranteed. For conventional hilling (in a second working step) the rotary tiller GF 400 can be modified to be used as a rotary hiller. The machine can be converted from independent rows to a full width tiller with a few simple steps. For the best protection against soil erosion, the tiller can be equipped with the dyking system, called TerraProtect. The rotary tiller GF 400 can also be used in combination with a potato planter, thus enabling soil cultivation and planting in a single pass. For soil cultivation and seeding of fine seeds in a single pass, the rotary tiller GF 400 can be equipped with hydraulically driven ridge pressure rollers and a lifting frame for seeders.

Large-volume ridges

The shaping board XL creates ridges with a large volume, so that there is enough space for a large tuber-nest.

Highest number of cultivation tines

An increased rotor speed and a high number of tines (option) ensure an intensive tillage on heavy and sticky soils.

Perfect shaping of the ridge crown

Especially for cultivation of chicory and carrots, the ridge crowns are smoothed by the hydraulically driven ridge pressure rollers. For the shaping board as well as for the ridge pressure rollers different versions for different row widths are available.

Up to 500 hp

Most powerful rotary tiller in the market, using a heavy duty gear box for tractors of up to 500 HP.

Protection against erosion in all agricultural crops grown on/in ridges

TerraProtect creates small transverse ridges, so-called dykes, between the ridges. The dykes reduce the risk of erosion and at the same time promote water absorption.

Video: GF 400 with TerraProtect

Video: The GF 400 in use as ridging hiller and as a full-width rotary tiller


  • Conventional ridge hilling
  • full width tilling for an optimum seedbed preparation for potatoes or other vegetables
  • full width tiller combined with a potato planter for a more efficient use of the working time and reduced drivings over the field with up to five working steps at once
  • lifting frame for seeder (e.g. carrots, celery etc.) soil preparation and seeding in one working step reduce the working time and driving over the field
  • An increased rotor speed and higher number of tines ensure an intensive tillage on heavy and sticky soils
  • Special rotor shaft with spikes for stony conditions
  • Special rotor shaft with tines, called "S-Blades", for very heavy soils or soils with a high content of organic material.
  • ridge shaping in various sizes, optimum adaption to the cultivation conditions
  • Up to five loosening tines can be used for deep cultivation, to achieve perfect bed preparation and better water absorption.
  • Protection against erosion in all agricultural crops grown on/in ridges: The "partnership" of a loosening tine and the dyker, both working between the ridges, TerraProtect ensures a more efficient water absorption in the ridges and also provides maximum protection against soil erosion.
  • Large support wheels, with a profile familiar from tractors, provide optimum support for the machine in the field and ensure precise depth control.
  • guiding disc for stabilisation on slopes
  • Reinforced gearbox for up to 500 HP tractor power

Images / video clips


You'll find all the information about the standard features of the machine here.


  • Row width 75 cm
  • Rotor shaft for ridge tilling
  • 64 tines, 50 x 12 mm each, with hard-wearing tips
  • "Walterscheid" drive shaft with friction clutch and 6 grooves
  • Gearbox, 350 rpm, single drive for max. 165 HP
  • Side gearbox with spur gears in it´s own housing
  • Three-point linkage Cat. 3
  • 2 infinitely height adjustable support wheels for depth control
  • Shaping board for bulbous ridges
  • Shaping board pressure adjustment via springs
  • Shaping board levelling adjustable via spindle

Technical data

GF 400

Length 2350 mm
Width at row width 75 cm 3290 mm
Width at row width 90 cm 3890 mm
Height 1450 mm
Empty weight with basic configuration 1800 kg
Working width  
Working width 3 - 3,6 m
Row width 75 - 90 cm
Number of rows 4
Tractor attachment  
Lower linkage category 3 Cat.
Input speed p.t.o.-shaft 1000 rpm
Rotor speed 350 rpm
Soil cultivation  
Tine rotor diameter 740 mm
Number of tines  
Rotor shaft for hilling the ridges 64
Rotor shaft with increased amount of tines for hilling the ridges (option) 106
Rotor shaft with full-width setup 112
Rotor shaft with full-width setup and increased amount of tines (option) 186
Tractor requirements  
Engine power (min.) 100 kW

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